Kids at Cornerstone
At Cornerstone Church Liverpool, we love and follow Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. We see it as a privilege to tell everyone about Him, and have fun whilst doing it.
On Sunday we hold 'Kids' Church' which is centred around the truth of God's word. We sing, dance, have games, quizzes and crafts, linking them all to the true teachings of the Bible, that is; 'It's all about Jesus'. With a safe, age-appropriate environment we set the foundations of knowing and living for Jesus, in a creative and relevant way.
When we gather as a church on Sundays our Kids have their own space to learning and worship together, additionally they split into smaller groups for more fun and learning. Kids' church ranges from 6 Months to Year 6, however there is space for nursing babies to enjoy the worship too.
Once our children reach secondary school we encourage them to sit in the main service on Sundays, with age-appropriate help sheets made available to help them understand the sermons. On Monday evenings we then host separate sessions for our Cornerstone Youth under the group name of Bolder for year 7 and upwards. Please click on the link further down on this page to find out more about Bolder.
We would love to see you and your family visit Cornerstone Liverpool and for your children to participate in Kids' Church and/or Bolder.
During the week, we also run parents/carers and babies/toddlers sessions to help support families and for pre-school children and their carers to come to a safe, relaxing (well, as relaxing a space can be with small children around!) space where they can have fun and find support from each other. Please click on the link below to find out more about Little Pebbles.

How Kids' Church and Creche works...
Here's what to expect when attending Kids' Church and Creche:
First, find the check in area by our entrance on Olivedale Road - any of our friendly welcome team members can guide you to right place. There we will meet your family, check your child into our system, and then one of our volunteers will lead your child to their age-appropriate room.
Upon registering for first time, as well as during our annual update of registration forms, we will ask for the following personal information (NOTE: we value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone):
- Parent/guardian name(s)
- Child's name
- Child's birth date
- Home address
- Phone number
- Any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your children
- Emergency contact details
- Consents for GDPR and photography/video
Please complete the form in the link below to ensure you have registered your child(ren) for Cornerstone Kids' Church and Creche.